Renzyl Mustapha
Renzyl Mustapha

Renzyl Mustapha

Renzyl Mustapha
145-150 cm
45-50 kg
Surigao Del Sur
Tabon, Bislig City
Have kids
Only looking for friends
Hi, Good day I'm Renzyl Mustapha From Philippines in Bislig, I'm 32 years of age. I'm just a simple woman who doesn't wear make up and a smiling girl hehehe. I'm fourth among the eight children such a big family 😂 but I don't have a since because he already died from a colon cancer it's so sad and it hurts but life must go on and we have to move on. I love singing and dancing hehehe but music don't like to me hahaha. I'm always stay at home taking care of my child. I just looking for a friend not just friend but a real friend that I can talk too and make some memories who knows hahaha. I'm not good in English but I'm trying 😂. I'm just a slim woman who have a big tummy hahahha and a small hahaha. I'm a high school graduate and I'm gonna 33 this coming Easter sunday I'm getting old lol. I love to take care of pets and I have three dogs hehehe they are small breed. I love to watch movie and taking care of all the household chores. what else should I say hahaha it makes me nosebleed 😂 😂. But if you really wanna more about me please let me know so that we can getting to know more each other do make some memories and marites hehehe I'm sure it would be more fun.. 
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