

180-185 cm
90-95 kg
Other country
Not in the Philippines
Have kids
Serious relationship
About me:

182cm tall English/Irish software engineer living and working in New Zealand since 2009.
I'm into Rugby, especially the All Blacks, fishing, computers and sailing yachts.
I am divorced and would like to retire to the Philippines to find my perfect partner.

Looking for:

A Filipina ideally aged between 30 and 45 with 1 or more children that that may or may not live at home. I have 6 of my own and had a vasectomy 20 years ago so will not be having any more of my own but all women deserve to be a mother.

I like women to be feminine (to wear dresses and look, act and smell like women), affectionate, motherly, homely, respectful and intimate.

I do not want a relationship with a "social media influencer" or somebody with an OF account or whom shows her body all over the internet via instagram.

I'm looking for a real woman, a mother, home keeper, future wife and lover
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