Suki - EOT Forum


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25 Jan 2024 09:46
Do you know the word wet market and suki?

Wet market in the Philippines they selling fresh food like meat fish anything something fresh and sometimes live unlike to some supermarket that the goods is frozen. Smart shopping is choosing a store that you will always go to every time you shop
Sometimes when you are in this place they called you ,Ate , Kuya or sometimes Ganda ( BEAUTIFUL) they called you that to attract and you notice them .
And Suki is a word here in the Philippines that is used in wet markets where you find a store and you are its regular customer. This is the way to have you a connection in the palengke or market. You have to find realible store.
The benefits of being their suki is you will have a discount on products whenever you go shop to them because you are their Suki or regular customer. Sometimes that store also agree to let you borrow their goods if you don't have enough money, because they know you and you are a regular customer I always experience this and I always thank my suki. It used to be that suki is only to the buyer but now it is used for the vendor too.

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Re: Suki

12 Jul 2024 11:16
My name is suki in the market 🤭🤭
I love my suki in the palengke because they always gave me a lot of discount and they sure that they vegetable are always fresh 

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