Buying Jessa's dad a gift in Moalboal. Will he be happy?

Buying Jessa's dad a gift in Moalboal. Will he be happy?

Buying Jessas dad a gift in Moalboal. Will he be happy

Liam and Zyrus want to visit the playground and then have McDonald's, so we bring them.

While we were there, I bought Jessa a Valentine's gift, and I finally remembered purchasing something I had meant to buy for Jessa's dad for a long time.

I hope you enjoy the video.

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MichB94 replied the topic:
14 Feb 2024 09:42
Waaah. Im happy to see Liam enjoys eating Mcdonald's. Is it his favorite fastfood chain? Guitar is a good buy jessa when your father started playing and singing i remember my grand father. Their voice is the same. Happy Valentines you guys
Aksel replied the topic:
15 Feb 2024 11:12
Waaah. Im happy to see Liam enjoys eating Mcdonald's. Is it his favorite fastfood chain? Guitar is a good buy jessa when your father started playing and singing i remember my grand father. Their voice is the same. Happy Valentines you guys

Liam loves Mcdonald's fries and chicken. It is by far his favorite.

If we go to Jollibee, he hardly touches the food. McDonalds all the way😅

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