Did they think they could mess with our survey results?

Did they think they could mess with our survey results?

Did they think they could mess with our survey result?

We had to return to Ronda, where we bought land to build our house, because some idiots had removed the markers from our survey results.

I am pissed, and I have no time for this. Let's see what happens.

This is a late upload because of the situation where a friend of mine was gunned down and killed in Cebu City.

I hope you enjoy the video.

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rachelle replied the topic:
18 Apr 2024 18:26
jessa handle the situation very well i can see that she's calm. i dont understand the language how i wish there is a subtitle too im really curious about the ladies what is talking about
Phearl replied the topic:
19 Apr 2024 11:55
Well done Aksel amd Jessa. Specially jessa, She is really a bravewoman. You cant fool a wise woman somepeople look down on Jessa. But she is smart amd knows what she's doing. As long as all the papers is legit mothing to worry about that's the truth.

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