A dangerous driver crashes into our trike ride

A dangerous driver crashes into our trike ride

A dangerous driver crashes into our trike ride

A dangerous driver rams into the trike with us from The Dahl Family inside.

Here is what happened:

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Phearl replied the topic:
14 May 2024 20:16
You can't really know when accident will happen. Thanks God you jessa and liam is okay. Praying for your Safety always Dahl Fam. God Bless
Princess2323 replied the topic:
19 May 2024 23:30
God is good all the time. Thank God that you are all okay. Tell Jessa to be cautious and safe when she is driving a car, and you too, Sir Aksel. The roads can be dangerous, so always stay alert. Keep safe always, Dahl family, wherever you go.
Kong replied the topic:
21 May 2024 22:25
I am a rider, and I have truly proven that no matter how careful you are, if the person you encounter or ride with is not careful, you can still be affected. That's why I always pray to God to keep me safe on every journey.good that you all safe
Kong replied the topic:
21 May 2024 22:31
I am a rider, and I have truly proven that no matter how careful you are, if the person you encounter or ride with is not careful, you can still be affected. That's why I always pray to God to keep me safe on every journey.good that you all safe
Kong replied the topic:
21 May 2024 22:31
I am a rider, and I have truly proven that no matter how careful you are, if the person you encounter or ride with is not careful, you can still be affected. That's why I always pray to God to keep me safe on every journey.good that you all safe

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