My son, Liam, is 3yo and it is time for school

My son, Liam, is 3yo and it is time for school

My son, Liam, is 3yo and it is time for school

Liam's first day attending school. 

I am so proud.

I hope you like the video.

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Princess2323 replied the topic:
01 Aug 2024 12:14
Princess2323's Avatar
Wow, Liam! You’re already in school now and have so many new friends to play with. Great job, baby boy! I hope you grow up to be really smart and do well in your studies. Remember to just enjoy your childhood and not worry about what others might say. Every child has their own unique talents and abilities, so just keep building on the great start you’ve made. Your mom and dad are super proud of you im pretty sure of that and they are cheering you always. Keep up the good work baby boy and have fun learning and playing with your new friends. 
Madz replied the topic:
03 Aug 2024 14:58
Madz's Avatar
Hi Liam congratulations on completing your first day of school! I hope you had a great time and enjoyed meeting new friends and learning new things. Dont mind the basher. Just dont mind them. Enjoy your life with your mom and dad

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