Aksel eat local Philippine food. Dried fish and sweet potato

Aksel eat local Philippine food. Dried fish and sweet potato

Aksel eat local Philippine food. Dried fish and sweet potato

So many foreigners are being rude about Philippine food. I am not one of those.

I hope you enjoy the video.

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Madz replied the topic:
18 Sep 2024 07:10
A foreign man love to eat a local food , sounds great. You are right by using beer for the example of accepting the food that unusual to others at first we dont like it but when time does by we really embrace it. Heehe
MichB94 replied the topic:
19 Sep 2024 05:15
We have many foods that is actually really delicious. Not just a weird taste. So its really given for a foreigner to dislike some of our foods at first. But eventually they will like and love it. Foods from province really hits different. Trending foods here in Manila is not so heathy haha
Princess2323 replied the topic:
20 Sep 2024 08:40
Im always amazed seeing some foreign trying to eat local food, like weird food like balut 🥰 have you tried balut before?

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