I review Venice Gran Canal Mall in Manila, Philippines

I review Venice Gran Canal Mall in Manila, Philippines

We review Venice Gran Canal mall in Manila Philippines

I reviewed Venice Gran Canal Mall in Taguig, Manila, so you can decide if it is worth it.

To find this place, you type "Venice Gran Canal Mall Manila" into Google Maps.

This is a mall you visit for a relaxing day, and you may do some shopping in the stores found inside.

The stores inside Venice Gran Canal Mall are mostly priced in the medium to high price range, but a few places offer reasonable value for your money.

This mall is not all about shopping, though. This is a place to come for a relaxing atmosphere, fancy coffee, and a nice meal.

Venice Mall offers a pretty good visual of an Italian experience and has a river where you can ride a gondola or a swan paddle boat. At our visit, the gondola ride cost 400 per person with a minimum of 4 people on board, and the swan ride cost 250 per person unless my memory escapes me.

I recommend spending half a day here relaxing and enjoying Italian-style design and good food.

I hope you enjoy the video.

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