I review Pagudpud in the north of Luzon

I review Pagudpud in the north of Luzon

We review Pagudpud in the north of Luzon 2

I reviewed Pagudpud up north of Luzon Island so you can decide if it is worth it.

Type "Pagudpud, Luzon" into Google Maps to find this place.

If you decide to go to Pagudpud, you should not do so without a vehicle. Having a car or a motorcycle is vital to making the most of your stay.

To visit this location, you should be a surfer or an adventure traveler who likes to go beyond the beaten path. This is not the place to go for a regular tourist since everything here is wide and far. You can hire a trike, but it is not recommended for the distances found.

I see so many stories about how the beaches are stunningly great, and while Saud Beach looks good in some parts, I have seen better. Blue Lagoon was OK for a swim, but that's about it.

If you are a surfer, it might be worth a visit. If you are an adventure traveler, it might also be. The only reason we went here was that it was the end destination of our trip from south to north in the Philippines.

Those who brag so much online about Pagudpud must not have seen what the Philippines can offer.

Most beach resorts seemed to be abandoned or mostly empty, and the only foreigners I saw there were people from Manila and other parts of Luzon who went there for vacation with their Philippine families.

This place never really recovered after super typhoon Haima hit in 2016. My video shows how abandoned it looks and the one resort that is destroyed and abandoned.

We visited the windmill park in the neighboring town, but other than that, we did not do much in Pagudpud. I had never heard the windmill sound before, which was interesting. It was this metallic, deep sound, giving supernatural vibes. As a tourist, great, but for those who listen to that every night, my god...

I hope you enjoy the video.

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dice 2
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