I review Kawasan falls in Siquijor

I review Kawasan falls in Siquijor

We review Kawasan falls in Siquijor
I reviewed Kawasan Falls in Siquijor. This is not the famous Kawasan Falls in Cebu but the lesser-known Kawasan Falls on the small island of Siquijor.

Type "Kawasan Falls Siquijor" into Google Maps to find this place.

To get there, you can easily find it driving a motorbike. Once there, it is an entrance where you pay a local guide to bring you. We did not do that as it was closed when we were there.

As you can see in the video, it is a long walk downhill to get there. I thought my knees could handle it, but I was in so much pain for the next three days that I could barely walk. If you have bad knees, this is not for you. Even if you have good knees, this is probably not for you.

They call it a fall, but when we were there, we saw only a small pit to swim in.

Not worth the trip. Maybe we were unlucky with the timing, and it will be a better experience for you.

I hope you enjoy the video.

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