#9 Philippine Cultures and Traditions(oct 17) - EOT Forum

#9 Philippine Cultures and Traditions(oct 17)

  • Jona23
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#9 Philippine Cultures and Traditions(oct 17)

17 Oct 2023 06:17
Philippines is very rich in cultures and traditions among our cultures is being family oriented and god fearing people about traditions we have plenty of them in the list and being happy people we have lots of celebration or festivities around the nation and one of these is the "Town Fiesta" it is celebrated in honor of their patron saint during this event every town has their unique ways of commemorating it some are having different games like palosebo rodeo agawang biik or buko among others and there are amateur sing and dance contest which filipinos standout even in international competition in different province there is festival like Panagbenga in Baguio or flower festival the Maskara festival in iloilo the Sinulog festival of Cebu Pahiyas Festival of Quezon and many more this prove that filipinos are indeed happy people one reason why many foreigners choose a pinay to love and settle with

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