Older than you OR same as your age? - EOT Forum

Older than you OR same as your age?

  • MichB94
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Older than you OR same as your age?

19 Aug 2023 13:43
Many people says AGE DOESNT MATTER. ❤️

How about you? What do you prefer? A man who is older than you or same as your age?

Me, Im turning 29 years old but i prefer men ages 35 to 55 years old. I dont want men with the same age as mine. (My kids dad is only 2 years older than me and my ex boyfriend)
I find them childish, and is more wild and adventurous. (They tend to cheat, and just focus more in enjoying their life like doing what they want, basketball, party and clubbing)

So i want to try men that is older than me, maybe they are more understanding, loving, caring and sweet. And focus into settling down.

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  • Jona23
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Re: Older than you OR same as your age?

19 Aug 2023 22:21
Age is just a number what matters most is the mindset or maturity of a person in handling the relationship..i was married to a guy who is almost five years younger than me but that wasnt an issue when we were just starting as boyfriend girlfriend i fell in love with him and i guess he to me also thats why we get married but along the way bad circumstances occured between us that drifted us apart
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  • Stephen
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Re: Older than you OR same as your age?

08 Oct 2023 08:36
Ask your three children, “how am I doing as a mother?” For there is no more a noble goal is life than to have succeeded raising children successfully. That alone, is enough.

So much in life, especially in the Philppines turns on luck, since most are not children born of wealth, the omnipresent lack of opportunity hinders so many from achieving what they could achieve, having had sufficient opportunity.

Try this

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