#4 Does the Philippines need a change in government system? (Oct 8) - EOT Forum

#4 Does the Philippines need a change in government system? (Oct 8)

  • Jona23
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#4 Does the Philippines need a change in government system? (Oct 8)

08 Oct 2023 21:33 - 08 Oct 2023 21:35
Having freedom or independency is one of the best thing could ever happen to anyone even to our country we have been colonized for many years by many different countries not until the year 1898 where our country gained its sovereignity ...we already have about 17 Presidents from then on and different types of government system we had republic government democratic government parliamentary government and not to forget the military form of government by Ferdinand Marcos Sr. With all these forms of governance what do you think is the best? And with what is happening now in our country do you think we need to change our system? In my own opinion i think there is a need bcoz the freedom that we have now is now being abused not just those in the administration but even by some wealthy and influential citizens
Last edit: 08 Oct 2023 21:35 by Jona23.

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  • rachelle
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Re: #4 Does the Philippines need a change in government system? (Oct 8)

22 Oct 2023 14:03
Yes but its hard to do it. BBM already admits that he is having a hard time, because of so many reasons.

There are people in the senate, inside the malacañang palace who is also powerful, and those corrupt people is supporting each other, cover up each others back. Thats why its HARD TO CLEAN the government. There will always be devils inside.

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