What are the things you dont like in your country? - EOT Forum

What are the things you dont like in your country?

  • MichB94
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What are the things you dont like in your country?

21 Oct 2023 22:34
I hope foreigners can answer this too.
Most of the time we always wanted to show or tell other people the beauty of our country. But, what about the ugliest part?

Being a filipino/filipina what is it that you dont like in your own country?

For me, its the politicians, the government. Not all of them but MOST of them :evil: :P
The PEOPLE. WHO is not honest, or scammers. Specially when i watched a video of a filipino/filipina scamming a foreigner for small amount. I know life is hard, but just be fair and square.

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  • rachelle
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Re: What are the things you dont like in your country?

22 Oct 2023 14:21
Hmm the traffic.

The poverty. Many of the filipinos who came from the poor family is the ones who is making more babies. They need to control. The government should focus on them, give them free condoms, and free contraceptives. Seminars is not enough. Go to them house to house.

Give them work not give them money. They need WORK so they can earn. By giving them financial aid/assistance the government is teaching them to be lazy and just depend on government and tax payers money. Of ourse we want to help the poor and those who are in need. But if they can work, give them work. If they can function well.

Give the aid to the senior citizens, to the people who has medical conditions.

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  • Jona23
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Re: What are the things you dont like in your country?

23 Oct 2023 01:09
The justice system...the law application in many circumstances you will see the gap between being poor and being rich and sadly it is those in the poverty line suffers the most injustice

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