How can mothers prioritize self-care while taking care of their children - EOT Forum

How can mothers prioritize self-care while taking care of their children

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How can mothers prioritize self-care while taking care of their children

28 Mar 2024 14:35
How can mothers prioritize self-care while taking care of their children? Mothers can prioritize self-care by setting aside even just a few minutes. Taking care of themselves enables them to better care for their children. How do you take care of yourself?

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Re: How can mothers prioritize self-care while taking care of their children

30 Mar 2024 09:10
I dont have a regular selfcare routine either I just enjoy being a mom eating nutritious food, getting enough sleep, and drinking plenty of water to stay hydrated. Its really challenging to have daily selfcare, especially since my child is still very young. Right now my focus is on him and when he grows up, thats when Ill prioritize selfcare or skincare routines, haha. But for now, hes my priority we should avoid stress also because its said to be the source of all the bad things happening in our lives, whether physical or mental health 

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  • Marie075
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Re: How can mothers prioritize self-care while taking care of their children

31 Mar 2024 09:15
Just enjoy the moment with your baby, rest properly, don't overwork, and sleep at the right time when you have the chance. Being a mother is really challenging, but if we take care of ourselves properly, we can take better care of our loved ones and fulfill our duties as a mother

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