Baha restobar - EOT Forum

Baha restobar

  • Aksel
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Baha restobar

15 Dec 2024 10:20
Located in San Juan.

Generally, it is a relaxing atmosphere. It's a nice place to relax with a few beers and a meal.

The food can be decent, but avoid the homemade sausages and mashed potatoes. It is the first time I had mashed potato with the skin included😅 and the sausages are awful.

On all-you-can-eat evenings, the main dishes are skimpy, as they are served on your plate, while with the cheaper options, you are free to serve yourself.

Besides that, it is a fair enough place, and the prices are not overly bad given that it is a tourist town. 

I think they have live music most nights.

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