Range 999 shot and killed my friend, Mike, in Cebu City

Range 999 shot and killed my friend, Mike, in Cebu City

Range 999 shot and killed my friend, Mike, in Cebu City
Ranger 999 shot and killed my friend Mike in Cebu City

Range 999 shot and killed my friend, Michael George Richey (Mike to friends), in Cebu City on Sunday morning, 17 March 2024. 

Mike died around 4 pm two days later, on 19 March 2024, from the wounds inflicted.

He leaves behind a young daughter. They lived in Moalboal with his girlfriend while he tried to cope with life after some rough army services and, simultaneously, be the best dad he could be.

In true Philippine style, the comment fields are flowing over with misinformation in this case. Why do so many people in this country feel the need to lie blatantly about things they have no clue about? We debunk those claims right here in this video, and furthermore. Shame on all of you who do this. You should be so ashamed of yourself, claiming to be good catholic people and then spreading misinformation like this online, hurting a little girl, hurting his girlfriend, and tarnishing Mike's reputation. Tsk tsk tsk!

Stop spreading misinformation. All you need to know about Mike is in this video.

Published: 21 March 2024
By: Aksel Dahl
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Phearl replied the topic:
21 Mar 2024 07:56
This is really tragic. Specially for a foreigner to experience this. You can't really tell if youre on the safe place because there will be evil people everywhere. If this rapper have a license to have a gun then there's something wrong. They will also need to check someones mental health before giving them license. Rip to you Mike
mhikki replied the topic:
21 Mar 2024 08:15
i know your a friend but your also jumping into conclusion. you dont have a right to say/think that those girls is flirting not every girls in the bar is like that. you cant also blame or stop other people because maybe they think that mike is a womanizer by having failed relationships. i mean, by seeing you guys talk i dont think you have a deep relationship with him so i dont think you do know him that much. one thing is for sure that rapper is really wrong for what he did and he will pay for it. everyone who is not on the time or at the place of the incident dont have the right to assume what really happens. you dont know if mike really insulted them. let the police/authorities handle this case and pray for mike's soul. 
Aksel replied the topic:
21 Mar 2024 08:55
Mhikki, you did see the video, right? We tell people what we assume has happened according to what people who were supposedly in the bar is stating happened, then we tell you it is only what we saw people say who where there.

I know him pretty well, we bonded over both of us being traumatized, living with PTSD after being through horrible life experiences. You know, for us foreigners, some of the best friends are those who silently understand each others pain while having a beer together. 

We can go on a fishing trip, speak 100 words in the whole trip, and it was a perfect day for both of us.

Also, Jessa has alot of contact with his girlfriend, Jessa and Mike's daughter bonded strongly.

We are speculating openly, and most likely, you will see in the trial that what we say here is pretty close to what actually happened. The people online is telling lies, not even speculating, just saying things like he was a rapist in his country (not true obvioulsy).

Why would you think he is a womanizer? We already explained his ex wife was not even awarded custody of their daughter. And why do you assume he is a womanizer when we explain his girlfriend debunks that part. 

How can you even compare our statements to the horrible lies online?

This is the kind of thinking that is so toxic. And even after being explained, still believe.. I am lost for words about this conclution from our video.
mhikki replied the topic:
21 Mar 2024 09:11
nah. your not in the incident let the authorities do their job and wait for their statement. the only valid statement will come from them not for other people and to both of you. as i said, your a friend, i just hate it when your jumping into a conclusion and assume that the girls is flirting? like wtf dude. stop assuming things. you dont know the whole story you guys are not there. stop giving examples that foreigner will only touch you if the girl will give motive. you guys are being funny just to defend mike, im a filipina and office girl dressed properly and there are foreigners who is really rude and dumbass. the guy is dead, let him rest in peace. i didnt even finish the video i cant even fully understand what both of you is trying to say you are stuttering or whatever. please dont also take a way that there's a possibility that mike is also rude. you dont have to defend him. time will tell, and let the court defend him.
Aksel replied the topic:
21 Mar 2024 21:50
What about this statement is it you have a hard time understanding:
"According to witnesses, Mike was there the day before, and the girl in question flirted heavily with him"

Please elaborate so that I can explain even better.

I would love to just make a condolence and memorial video as I planned, but then I see people lying about him, saying he was a rapist back in the US, and other horrible things that can not be left unspoken. I am the one who can tell people that this is not the truth. If I do not do it, people will believe those idiots who lie about him.

I refuse to have that happen. If you had a friend who got killed and people said horrible things about her, you would have done the same. At least if you were a good friend.


Why is this hard to understand?
mhikki replied the topic:
22 Mar 2024 02:40
as i already said let the authorities spill the real tea. you cant defend a friend online people will always see a hole in it even your intention is good. stop assuming or saying "i bet" because you are agreeing your claims is true.
"according to witnesses" then put up the source or link. i mean, there are people who is stupid but still many filipinos is smart 😂 if you will put up a legit source of link they will believe it and they will have a clear point of view. but, your just a friend that is also NOT in the place of the incident so why they will believe you. its kinda stupid move for a person to say his own version of assuming things what has really happened. and now there are comments that you guys is riding on the issue using a dead friend for engagement and you created a video "for money" because you raised your views to 18K views and ofcourse with ads. im a supporter of jessa, i just hate it when there is people who have no RIGHTS but still assuming or claiming what has really happened. and you already said it on your video there is someone at the bar that jessa talk to, but jessa said she is also not sure if its true. i mean are you kidding me jessa, just share facts 🤭 only the authorities will have the right for that statement.
i have nothing against with the both of you defending mike. but i am pissed with what you guys said that foreigners will only touch you if the girl is showing interest to them. i can attest that most of the time that is not true 😁 as a filipina, who is going out and having a good time in bar regularly that is really not the case most of the offenders is foreigners jessa. i have experienced rough attitude of the foreigners everytime i go out so stop assuming 🤷
i know mike will get justice because for sure range will be in prison for the rest of his life 🙂
Aksel replied the topic:
22 Mar 2024 13:30
My final reply to you on this, Mhikki is in my video who comes out later today. Probaby around 6-10 pm sometime.
Lilly23 replied the topic:
22 Mar 2024 21:53
Mike wasn't rude and some witnesses stated about it already Mhikki. And we can't deny that nowadays there are lots of ladies already queueing everywhere esp. in the bar to look for foreigners to fling with. I am not a friend of anyone else in the incident but there are videos of Mike hanging out with different people in the bar at the time who said that he wasn't rude to anybody there but instead so friendly to them. And there is no need for you to question sir Aksel's opinion about it because yes he wasn't in the incident but he is a friend of Mike who felt bad. Why not sympathize? Sir Aksel wasn't trying to refute it anyway. Rude foreigners and perverts are those who aren't professionals. And if the ladies were touched by Mike, where are they? They didn't even show up to give their statements. Are you from Cebu?
mhikki replied the topic:
23 Mar 2024 07:49
Lilly im bar hopping whenever i have free time, BGC to QUEZON CITY and mostly of the foreigners is rude and offenders. you can't deny it though you can search it up online 🤭 i have experienced it most of the time 😏 where is your reading comprehension? im not questioning him, im pissed for people who is assuming and jumping into conclusion when first of all they are not on the incident. everyone knows how to sympathize properly 😏 i am pissed with one of their statement, and its my right to be pissed if i feel that there is something off with their statement. why are you even f*cking looking for those ladies here? 😂 let the authorities do the job for God's sake! holly molly, im asking him to atleast put up legit source or the links to support what they are saying. if they dont have, then why talk? a memorial video and sharing of stories how they really know mike will do and proper. i mean, i will be glad if aksel will do a video discussing about the case but spit it with facts just like what news reporter is doing. 
rachelle replied the topic:
23 Mar 2024 09:17
yay chill guys upon watching the video i think mhikki points out when jessa and aksel say that foreigners will touch u when u only give motive it feels wrong because here in manila that is not the case to think also that many foreigners there is professional also but they are still bastos its like when your a woman you cant even enjoy and feel safe when your going in bar because of foreigners i have bad experiences dont get me wrong please specially in makati area which is sad because its expensive and in end you will have bad experience but other than that if they are saying stuffs about the case let them be i think its a free country anyway i will just wait for the news and i will definitely follow this case and hoping mike will get justice and the one at fault will be punish. i dont want to speculate because maybe im wrong so its safe for me to shut my mouth hahaha lets continue to pray for mikes soul and peace. god bless
Lilly23 replied the topic:
23 Mar 2024 11:55
Mhikki, my reading comprehension has nothing to do with your wrong grammar and nasty mouth. Watch your words. And relax, I'm not against your opinion. Well, most of the foreigners there are rude you said, Manila is Manila. It's different here. Here in Cebu, you can't find professional women partying all night unless in an exclusive venue. Most of the women who partied and drank until 5 in the morning here are those who are uncivilized. I'm not degrading anyone, but that's a sad reality. And don't worry too much we are updated on the case here. And FYI, Jed (Range) already has an attitude issue even when it comes to his show schedules that's why a lot are against him and the girls he was with. I have foreign friends and relatives and they aren't rude. Yes, they touch women but with consent and friendly gestures. And me looking for the girls there? What are you saying!?
rachelle replied the topic:
23 Mar 2024 12:21
its ok i think sometimes people will give other meaning regarding the statement wiith how foreigners here and in cebu how girls can be flirty in cebu because here in manila mostly the exclusive bars is near big buildings and international offices just like bpo, IT companies etc. so people who work in different shifts can go to bar and enjoy thats why its normal for us to see celebrities here in a bar so you will expect foreigners to be professional too but that is not happening and sir aksel ive been searching about mikes case i cant find a new report about hows going on lets make this site a healthy community spread love dont be toxic mhikki you dont need to be rude girl and lilly its ok to be gramatically wrong as long as u understand it
Lilly23 replied the topic:
23 Mar 2024 12:43
Exactly. Manila is Manila. Cebu is Cebu. And sir Aksel's video is his point of view so no need to be pissed. He has a point, too. NOT ALL FOREIGNERS are perverts and rude. Rachel, using incorrect grammar can lead to sentences being meaningless and the message unclear, which in turn can lead to misinterpretation by a communication partner. Using correct grammar makes listening and reading easier for others to understand and can make the communication process more understandable. But again, you is you, me is me. We have different views and I respect it. I respect you, Rachel. Anyway, this will be my last response for now as I have more important things to do rather than debating here :) And Mhikki, whatever sir Aksel is posting, it's his choice and what he is saying is his opinion and point of view. If you get pissed easily, no need to watch or read. Relax, Mhikki... Control your emotions. Ganyan na ganyan si Range kaya naka patay. Check this URL to see how friendly Mike is to other people -> www.facebook.com/ahrjay.redoblado/videos/1116556499372766/  
Aksel replied the topic:
23 Mar 2024 18:39
You know journalists speculate exactly the same way as I do, right? The video, which comes now, explains it all.

Also, a mother should not barhop. It makes me so sad when this happens. Anyway, it's your life, your choice. Personally, I partied 3 times a week until Liam was born. After this, Jessa and I have been out on nightlife maybe 3 or 4 times in total. A child should change nightlife priorities, in my opinion.

I've responded fully to you; Mhikki is in the video that arrives now. I dedicated over 10 minutes just for you—at least, it feels that long.

Aksel replied the topic:
23 Mar 2024 18:44
I am with you on this one.

Mhikki has an attitude problem and a problem of understanding. Why comment if she does not even watch the full video? She even tells me she does not.

I am all for keeping it real. Unfortunately, some people cannot deal with a civilized conversation.
Lilly23 replied the topic:
23 Mar 2024 21:50
True, sir Aksel. Suppose she gets pissed why bother herself watching and commenting. And I just don't like how she sees foreigners here. Well, I do mingle and entertain foreigners. I have a lot of foreign friends but never show nasty acts in front of me or even be rude to me. So it really depends on the woman and how they interact with foreigners is how they are treated, too.

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