Online liars cannot silence me from stopping the lies about Mike

Online liars cannot silence me from stopping the lies about Mike

Online liars cannot silence me from stopping the lies about Mike

People online are trying to silence Jessa and me from exposing all the liars about Mike. Myke was shot and killed by Range 999, a famous local wannabe gangster and rapper, and horrible people are tarnishing his name. Why anyone thinks those lies should stand unanswered is beyond me.

In this video, I also address the rumor that Jessa and I are trying to make money off the death of a friend. My statement here should put that rumor to rest once and for all.

This is a video I did not want to make, but I will continue to make them until people stop lying about him.

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Phearl replied the topic:
24 Mar 2024 15:14
Thankyou Aksel for standing up. I know Mike is happy and thankful up there because of what you are doing. God Bless you
Madz replied the topic:
26 Mar 2024 13:28
Its really important for someone to speak the truth especially now that the victim no longer has the ability to defend themselves because they've already passed away Even if someone has committed a sin no one has the right to take anyone's life

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