I review the Siquijor butterfly sanctuary in Lazi, Siquijor

I review the Siquijor butterfly sanctuary in Lazi, Siquijor

We review Siquijor butterfly sanctuary in Lazi Siquijor
I reviewed the Siquijor butterfly sanctuary in Lazi, Siquijor, so you can decide if it is worth it.

Type "Siquijor butterfly sanctuary" into Google Maps to find this place.

On the mountain in Siquijor Island, you can find a privately run butterfly sanctuary.

The entrance fee is 100 PHP per person.

The man who runs this place raises butterflies in his tropical garden, and each week, he releases some into the wild. He does this because the number of butterflies in the Philippines is decreasing. This is his contribution to saving them.

We were a bit unlucky when we were there since it was mostly one type of color, but this will not always be the case.

We strongly recommend you visit this place in Siquijor to support his work. If not for the butterflies themself, it is a pleasant drive with an excellent scenic view.

I hope you enjoy the video.

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