I review Paliton Beach in San Juan, Siquijor

I review Paliton Beach in San Juan, Siquijor

We review Paliton beach in San Juan Siquijor
I reviewed Paliton Beach in San Juan, Siquijor, so you can decide if it is worth it.

To find this place, type "Paliton Beach, Siquijor" into Google Maps.

There is no entrance fee to enter the beach.

This is a great little tropical paradise. It's a perfect place to cool down, have a nice swim, and enjoy your day. Local vendors mix some drinks or sell coconut and soft drinks.

We usually spent a few hours here before moving on. If there had been more shadows, we would have stayed longer.

The beach has a long stretch of shallow water and is perfect for watersports.

I was in the mood for a swim, so I swam out. There is nothing interesting to see if you snorkel, but a bit further out, they told me there is a reef. They charged 100 PHP to bring tourists to it. Unfortunately, I missed it, so I should have paid for the ride.

I hope you enjoy the video.

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