

150-155 cm
45-50 kg
Quezon City Philippines
Have kids
Only looking for friends

Mom of 3 💪 👰

New journey as a CSR 👩‍💼

VA and Online selling for side hustles 🤟

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I have returned after three weeks of silenceDiscuss Aksel's vlog articles03/11/2024 22:56:00
We go to White Beach in MoalboalDiscuss Aksel's vlog articles21/10/2024 08:52:43
What about Liam and the future for The Dahl FamilyDiscuss Aksel's vlog articles01/10/2024 22:54:29
How not to get sick in the Philippines for touristsDiscuss Aksel's vlog articles29/09/2024 11:29:16
My thoughts on the best place to settle down in the PhilippinesDiscuss Aksel's vlog articles26/09/2024 20:45:06
Aksel eat local Philippine food. Dried fish and sweet potatoDiscuss Aksel's vlog articles20/09/2024 08:40:58
Aksel eat banana and salty fish made by JessaDiscuss Aksel's vlog articles20/09/2024 08:11:01
The luxury house became a nightmare. We movedDiscuss Aksel's vlog articles17/09/2024 16:56:08
In Manila to renew passports for The Dahl BoysDiscuss Aksel's vlog articles16/09/2024 09:30:57
First time experiencing Buwan NG Wika in the PhilippinesDiscuss Aksel's vlog articles08/09/2024 15:41:10
I failed. Take two on removing the weeds on our land in Ronda, CebuDiscuss Aksel's vlog articles08/09/2024 07:16:54
We spend a Sunday in Mainit Hot Springs, MalabuyocDiscuss Aksel's vlog articles29/08/2024 08:07:09
How a lovely day in Moalboal ended up in a 48-hour stressDiscuss Aksel's vlog articles22/08/2024 09:56:11
China will never beat the Philippines in a warDiscuss Aksel's vlog articles30/07/2024 22:28:39
She named her son what, you said?Discuss Aksel's vlog articles29/07/2024 11:16:07

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